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Apple Wood Smoked Baby Back Ribs on the Loaded Wichita

Holiday Baby Back Ribs from Guy Fitzgerald

“This Recipe is for WILD & Domestic Pork and combines it all for one VERY DELISH Special Holiday Flavor touch that you will honestly want to repeat and maybe even put your own twist on, all year long! You and your family will LOVE this! Thanks Yoder for making the most amazing equipment and spices, and for being amazing people behind the product! Happy Holidays & Happy Cooking to All!”

Recipe from @fitzgeraldwayoflife on Instagram


  • Three Racks of Baby Backs, because why not do three, right?! You can use wild or domestic pork here.>
  • Plowboys BBQ Yardbird Rub “Created for chicken, AMAZING on Pork!”
  • Shaker of Ground Cinnamon
  • Shaker of Dried Parsley
  • Spray EVOO
  • Apple Wood splits from our woods


  • Built the Apple Wood Fire in the fire box of our Yoder Smokers Loaded Wichita, and got a good coal bed established while we prepped the ribs.
  • Having made sure the ribs were at room temp and lightly sprayed with EVOO as the binder, added a very light dusting of coarse kosher salt, then a light coating of the Plowboys Yardbird Rub, then a lighter dusting of the cinnamon (you can do the cinnamon to your liking, we wanted it to be noticeable to give it that touch of Holiday Flavor, but not too overpowering). Then, let the racks sit on counter for 15-20 mins.
  • Once the smoker was pre-heated to around 225º-230ºF ambient temp, placed the three racks toward the middle/chimney side of smoker for some of that oh so great low and slow Apple Wood Pork smoke infusion, being careful and watchful not to have too much heat too soon. Low and Slow is the name of the game for baby backs! Kept temp and smoke rolling (adding an apple wood split every 20-30 mins or so, to keep smoke flavor consistent), and holding at around 225º-230ºF for duration of cook, until final internal temp of ribs at thickest parts reached around 175º-180ºF or so for the final pull.
  • Before final pull, at an internal rib temp of around 160ºF, I sprinkled the dried parsley over top of each rack, and let that settle in for the rest of the cook. The parsley flavor is mild, in the scope of the whole rack, but there is some flavor there, and more importantly the green flakes look so cool and scream Holidays!
  • When the ribs hit 180ºF or so internal temp, pulled them off, let them rest on counter – tented with butcher paper on the counter for about 20 mins. I sliced one of these racks up and sprinkled with some fresh ground coarse black pepper – as you can see in the pic it turned out great, because I love black pepper on most everything! The other two racks were sliced and not peppered, and ALL WERE DEVOURED with lots of smiles and family conversation!

Final Thoughts: The lightly dusted cinnamon, consistent mild apple wood split smoke, and the dried parsley, combined perfectly with the sugar, garlic, onion, and chili pepper of the Yardbird Rub. The gorgeous and delicious Bark and Moisture were on point, as my Yoder Smokers always deliver! All in all, it was a perfect flavor/moisture/texture combo, that had the whole family thinking and chatting about the Holidays with every bite! Lots of smiles and good times had.

Note: these were “no wrap” ribs on this cook, as we didn’t want to go ‘fall off the bone’ on these. We do love that method too, though!

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Apple Wood Smoked Baby Back Ribs on the Loaded Wichita

Holiday Baby Back Ribs from Guy Fitzgerald

“This Recipe is for WILD & Domestic Pork and combines it all for one VERY DELISH Special Holiday Flavor touch that you will honestly want to repeat and maybe even put your own twist on, all year long! You and your family will LOVE this! Thanks Yoder for making the most amazing equipment and spices, and for being amazing people behind the product! Happy Holidays & Happy Cooking to All!”

Recipe from @fitzgeraldwayoflife on Instagram


  • Three Racks of Baby Backs, because why not do three, right?! You can use wild or domestic pork here.>
  • Plowboys BBQ Yardbird Rub “Created for chicken, AMAZING on Pork!”
  • Shaker of Ground Cinnamon
  • Shaker of Dried Parsley
  • Spray EVOO
  • Apple Wood splits from our woods


  • Built the Apple Wood Fire in the fire box of our Yoder Smokers Loaded Wichita, and got a good coal bed established while we prepped the ribs.
  • Having made sure the ribs were at room temp and lightly sprayed with EVOO as the binder, added a very light dusting of coarse kosher salt, then a light coating of the Plowboys Yardbird Rub, then a lighter dusting of the cinnamon (you can do the cinnamon to your liking, we wanted it to be noticeable to give it that touch of Holiday Flavor, but not too overpowering). Then, let the racks sit on counter for 15-20 mins.
  • Once the smoker was pre-heated to around 225º-230ºF ambient temp, placed the three racks toward the middle/chimney side of smoker for some of that oh so great low and slow Apple Wood Pork smoke infusion, being careful and watchful not to have too much heat too soon. Low and Slow is the name of the game for baby backs! Kept temp and smoke rolling (adding an apple wood split every 20-30 mins or so, to keep smoke flavor consistent), and holding at around 225º-230ºF for duration of cook, until final internal temp of ribs at thickest parts reached around 175º-180ºF or so for the final pull.
  • Before final pull, at an internal rib temp of around 160ºF, I sprinkled the dried parsley over top of each rack, and let that settle in for the rest of the cook. The parsley flavor is mild, in the scope of the whole rack, but there is some flavor there, and more importantly the green flakes look so cool and scream Holidays!
  • When the ribs hit 180ºF or so internal temp, pulled them off, let them rest on counter – tented with butcher paper on the counter for about 20 mins. I sliced one of these racks up and sprinkled with some fresh ground coarse black pepper – as you can see in the pic it turned out great, because I love black pepper on most everything! The other two racks were sliced and not peppered, and ALL WERE DEVOURED with lots of smiles and family conversation!

Final Thoughts: The lightly dusted cinnamon, consistent mild apple wood split smoke, and the dried parsley, combined perfectly with the sugar, garlic, onion, and chili pepper of the Yardbird Rub. The gorgeous and delicious Bark and Moisture were on point, as my Yoder Smokers always deliver! All in all, it was a perfect flavor/moisture/texture combo, that had the whole family thinking and chatting about the Holidays with every bite! Lots of smiles and good times had.

Note: these were “no wrap” ribs on this cook, as we didn’t want to go ‘fall off the bone’ on these. We do love that method too, though!

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